Friday, February 19, 2010

Now Showing: Food in the Movies

Watching movie is one good way to unwind and take a break from your busy schedule. Once in a while, treat your self to a great movie. Invite your loved ones to join you and enjoy a movie together be it a drama, comedy, action, horror or a love story. Watching movie can be more enjoyable when you have something to munch on. While your eyes are focused on the film, your hand and mouth are busy indulging on food. Part of the entertainment is a bucket of buttered popcorn, potato chips and sodas.

Try below suggestions when you go out to see a movie next time.

1. Make sure that you are not hungry when going out to see a movie. This will prevent you from overeating.
2. Bring bottled water and avoid sodas.
3. Have some popcorn but get away from butter and added flavorings.
4. Want something sweet? Go for gummy bears instead of chocolates.
5. want something crispy? Go for whole wheat cereals or corn flakes instead of nachos and potato chips.
6. Bring fruit slices which are now readily available in the supermarkets.

Remember, you are in the movie house to watch and not to eat a meal. Let the movie entertain, but not to tempt you of overeating.

Happy viewing! :)

Monday, February 15, 2010

What type of overweight trait are you?

Brief descriptions:

Midnight snackers

These are the type of persons who either wake up in the middle of the night due to hunger pangs or those who are still awake late at nights craving for something to munch on. For the first one, this type of snackers uses food to fall asleep. Having a full stomach helps you to fall asleep. Particularly when drinking milk. It is rich in tryptophan which is a precursor of serotonin, a hormone which induces sleep. On the other hand, for those who are still awake and are snacking, they use food as a part of an activity like watching television, reading, and other activities in which eating becomes a habitual partner. Midnight snackers do not have the ability to control their desire to eat which leads them to sleeping late not until they eat the food that they crave for. They are also the type who eats more on midnight snacks than at supper. For some person of this type, they resort to food whenever they find it hard to sleep at night.

All day snackers

These are the type of persons who are fond of eating a lot of times all throughout the day. They can be the type who eat small amount of food at short time intervals or those who eat in bulk frequently. Most of these types of snackers complain of persistent hunger which drives them to eat frequently. Their desire for food is driven by the actual act of having something to put in their mouth and the thought of food reaching their stomach giving them the feeling of fullness and satisfaction. All day snackers are easily driven by the mere sight or smell of food. Most of them associate food with their daily activities like for an instance, some writer find it easier for them to gather their thoughts when eating something. People who are more likely to snack all day are those with sit-down nature of work.

These types of persons take pleasures in eating more than they should have. Several factors may have caused them to overeat. They sometimes intentionally overeat as a way to outcast themselves from the rest by the thought of being fat will drive people away from me (for introvert, loner type of people). Another reason to overeat is due to the pressure brought by the society. Nowadays, being slim is the standard of beauty, people who find it difficult to lose weight, try to escape what the society dictates by overeating. Some overeaters are just seeking attention, by eating more than they should, they can drive other’s attention towards them either by amusement of their ability to eat more than a normal person can do or negatively by having pity on them. Overeaters in general, are people who just love to eat. As long as there is available food, it is their mind set to eat and eat and eat.

Comfort eater

These people are the types who look at food as an adult pacifier, a pillow to hug them. Painful, traumatic experiences, rejection, a haunting past and all sad thoughts push them towards food. They find comfort in food thinking that it would be the only thing in the world that won’t hurt them. Food for them becomes an alternative sedative that helps them to endure the pain. Food act as a comfort blanket for people of this type making food life line that they can easily turn to whenever confronted, hurt, and exhausted. They have the tendency to be very secretive not allowing other people know or help them with their problems.

Emotional eaters

These are the types of persons who turn to food at extreme emotions. Be it a happy moment that calls for a celebration or even just a simple way of rewarding one’s self of food. Extreme emotions are always associated to food. Food makes these people to relax at anxious times, feeling afraid and alone. Emotional eaters associate certain food with every emotion. For an instance, when you feel happy, you are more likely to eat ice cream; when feeling sad, chocolates is your companion; feeling angry, you are less likely to eat, but eat even more after your anger subsides because of the tiring effect of anger.

Bored eaters

These people turn to food for companion. Boredom pushes them to food thinking that eating is the only valuable past time they can do. Cold weather, a sudden shift of busy schedule to long hours of rest, and mood swings are some of the factors which may trigger these craving for food. “I’m bored, I don’t know what else to do, but to eat”, this is a common line of this type of people.

Sneaky eaters

These are the type of persons who will not let other people caught them in the act of eating. They secretly creep for food. A notion of eating in secret justifies their act of eating excessively. They think that if no one sees them eating, the food they eat in excess is negligible and will not add up to their weight. This is a common denial for a person who claims that they are on a strict diet and has been very watchful of their food intake, but still gaining weight. Sneaky eaters have an attitude of convincing people that it is not their fault that they are gaining weight by not letting them see their actual food intake. They are the type who eat more in secret and eat less in public. They are in denial of the fact that they cannot control eating more. They are the ones who avoid of confrontation because of the fear of stooping them from eating. Sneaky eaters usually keep food in their lockers, in a secret container mixed with unnoticeable items at the corner of their room.

Binge eaters

Binge eaters are characterized by frequent episodes of eating large amount of food having no control on eating excessively. These are the people who overeats and then afterwards forcing themselves to excrete the food through induced vomiting, taking of laxatives, and excessive exercise. Binge eating involves behavioural feelings like embarrassment at the sight of large amount of food eaten, feelings of repulsion, despair and guilt after overeating.

Sugar craved

People who are said to have a “sweet-tooth” belong to these kinds of overeaters. Sweet food brings about a happy feeling and uplifts moods. It is a common advice to eat chocolates or something sweet to ease depression. For some, eating sweets boost their energy. Sweet cravings are one of common problem among overeater which is difficult to control. Once you’ve eaten a piece of something sweet, it become tougher to resist the temptation of eating another one.

Savoury lovers

A desire to eat delicious, flavourful and highly seasoned food characterized these types of overeaters. They have the craving for strong flavours. In general, people belonging to this category simply love to eat, specifically good food. Savoury lovers have a taste for food with high monosodium glutamate or foods from Chinese restaurants which are known to have highly seasoned dishes. These are also the type who is fond of condiments added at the table even the food is already seasoned right. They love sauces, dips, and gravies.